The model of Ardie 1927 motorcycle had volume of the engine of 500cc and capacity 6hp. Ernest Nojmann Ne-andsr has acted in the beginning of 1930th with idea of a frame, from steel and duralumin, and the term "duralumin" was a derivative from the name of an aluminum factory "Duren-ra". These machines were completed with engines JAP in volume 490, 345 and 198 cc; they were on sale under names Silver Laitning and Silver Fox. However to 1933 in Ardie have returned to traditional steel frames. Political circumstances have compelled Bandit to leave the company. At the same time it was necessary to forget about import of motors JAP once and for all. Subsequently in machines different engines, including "Zaxs", "Bark", "Kuhen" , "Stermi Archer" were established.