Our Friends At MotorBeam Have launched A forum , Please Visit Them Show your support
MotorBeam Forum - Register Here Grease N Gasoline Supports our friends at Motorbeam
FAISAL KHAN "We have finally launched MotorBeam Forums today. It has been a long time coming and the delay has ensured we test everything properly before going live. We have used the best forum software along with a very powerful server to power MotorBeam forums. Membership is open to all right away but we might close down membership later, to prevent spam and maintain quality. Now there are a few important things I need to tell you about the Forums.
MotorBeam Forum - Register Here Grease N Gasoline Supports our friends at Motorbeam
FAISAL KHAN "We have finally launched MotorBeam Forums today. It has been a long time coming and the delay has ensured we test everything properly before going live. We have used the best forum software along with a very powerful server to power MotorBeam forums. Membership is open to all right away but we might close down membership later, to prevent spam and maintain quality. Now there are a few important things I need to tell you about the Forums.
1) We will stop normal comments here and will switch to facebook comments. Comments here will be for casual commentators, while forums is for the serious commentators only.
2) We will be very strict on the forums – SMS slang, abusive language, personal attacks and casual comments will be taken to task immediately.
3) We want to maintain quality on the forums. We have kept the layout simply and ad-free. We want only quality members on the forums even if there are just a few.
4) Excerpts of posts here will automatically be posted on MotorBeam Live Sub-Forum, so you can still comment and discuss everything we post but in the forums.
5) Why Forums – Easy to moderate, easy to monitor, more intuitive, more options for users (upload pictures and videos, starting their own threads, sharing their stories, conducting polls, reporting irrelevant comments, etc), more personal and an awesome platform to organize get togethers and expand the community. Besides we get so many emails asking about vehicle purchase advice (with most of the questions similar), so a forum will serve as a good platform to answer these queries, with vehicle owners giving realistic advice to prospective buyers.
6) Ranking system – new member – Junior BEAMer, above 50 posts – BEAMer, above 500 posts – Senior BEAMer, above 2000 posts – Outstanding BEAMer. Some one who contributes exceptionally will be promoted to Expert BEAMer with 5 stars under their name.
7) Features – Thank You option (a user can click thank you button rather than posting thank you) and voting (every post will have a like and dislike option and users can vote each others posts). We are also considering other features which are still under discussion.
We are open to suggestions and feedback, please drop in your thoughts below. We will continuously be improving on the forums and will be very active on it, reading every post and interacting with members on daily basis. "