STEP 1. Start off with two perfect circles that will be the tires, and a line coming from the middle of the back tire forming a half handle shape.

STEP 2. Finish off the handle shape to create the top of the bike where the gas would actually go, and another line going toward the front wheel.

STEP 3. Now start to sketch the holding mechanism for all the pipes and tubing. On the top of the bike sketch out the slim seat.

STEP 4. The back fender is the next thing to work on, as well as the kick stand and other detailing that a chopper will have.

STEP 5. The handle bars and muffler system is the next thing to work on. The best thing to do is enlarge the image and just look at the detail that needs to be drawn.

STEP 6. Sketch the front fender is next along with the forming of the front tire. This bike has flames on the holding tank, but you can create your own decal.