EMAIL YOUR FRIENDS sulian 8:47 AM Make an even greater impact by copying the message below and sending to your friends and family.Subject: Make Aid TransparentDear FriendsRelated:EMAIL YOUR FRIENDSOverseas aid makes a real difference. It can save lives, put children into school, and reduce extreme poverty. But at the moment we don’t have a full picture of how much money is being spent, where, or on what. With more information, citizens would be able to see where and how aid is spent, putting them in a better position to demand that it is spent effectively.Join me in calling on governments to make aid transparent:Related:EMAIL YOUR FRIENDS YOUR FRIENDSProviding more and better information about aid isn’t hard, and it will help save lives, reduce corruption and waste, and deliver lasting positive change in the world’s poorest countries.Take action right now at:Related:EMAIL YOUR FRIENDS you, Melwin Daniel